Animation Taster

Learn to animate a bird in flight

The classes take place at Escape Studios in Shepherd's Bush, West London. You will work with Autodesk Maya and the Adobe Creative Suite, and you’ll get a hands-on introduction to 3D Animation techniques, all for just £25!  By the end of the day you'll have your own piece of animation uploaded to your YouTube channel. 

What's this all about?
This one-day taster course gives you get an introduction to the art of 3D Animation. You will also explore what it’s like to work as a professional animator. We'll take you through the animation process from start to finish, ending up with a finished movie file.

How do you get there?
Escape Studios is a short walk from Shepherd's Bush Tube Station, Shepherd's Bush Market Tube Station, Goldhawk Rd Tube Station, and Shepherd's Bush Overground. And tons of bus routes.

How much does the day cost?
Shepherd's Building, Shepherd's Bush
£25 - including lunch.

What will you learn?
Working with tools such as Autodesk Maya and the Adobe Creative Suite, you’ll get a hands-on introduction to 3D Animation techniques.

We'll be doing some very cool stuff in the classroom, and by the end of the day you will have your very own piece of finished animation uploaded to YouTube!


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